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Wednesday Wisdom


SBAM的周三智慧视频关注的是小贴士, resources, 小企业主给小企业主的建议和最佳实践. 如果你登录了,你可以在这里查看存档视频. 一定要在社交媒体上关注sam的最新#周三智慧帖子以及其他#Owner2Owner资源.

Wednesday Wisdom

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Jenny Brown | Dutton Farm & EveryBody Inc.

In this week’s #WednesdayWisdom we speak with Jenny Brown of Dutton Farm & EveryBody Inc. 珍妮分享了她关于相信自己的直觉来克服挑战的观点.

Connect with Dutton Farm:

George Haralampopoulos |

In this week’s #WednesdayWisdom we speak with George Haralampopoulos of One Degree Principle. 乔治分享了他指导客户的三条原则.

Connect with One Degree Principle:

Kevin Peil | Tri-City Brewing Company

In this week’s #WednesdayWisdom 我们采访了三城酿酒厂的凯文·皮尔. 凯文分享了认识到你不能自己做所有事情的重要性, 让自己周围都是他们需要的领域的专家.

Margaret Arnold |

In this week’s #WednesdayWisdom we speak with Margaret Arnold of 玛格丽特分享了她与其他女企业主相处以及记住“为什么”的观点。.


Tony Grace | Alma Tire Companies

In this week’s #WednesdayWisdom we speak with Tony Grace of Alma Tire Companies. 托尼分享了他对培养新关系和维持现有关系的看法, as well as the importance of helping others.



In this week’s #WednesdayWisdom we speak with Chris Beardslee of Allied Insurance Managers, Inc. 克里斯分享了他对与员工及其家人建立有意义关系的重要性的看法.

Connect with Allied Insurance Managers, Inc. Visit their website or connect on social:

戈登·亨德森| 149张照片,建设者数字解决方案

In this week’s #WednesdayWisdom 我们采访了Builder Digital Solutions的戈登·亨德森 149Photos in Fenton. Gordon分享了他对为公司及其未来制定详细而具体的愿景的重要性的看法.

Julie Grames | Clearbrooke Technologies

在本期的#周三智慧#节目中,我们与朱莉·格拉姆斯进行了对话 Clearbrooke Technologies. 朱莉分享了她对积极职场文化的看法.

Kevin Begola | Bridge Street Exchange

在本期的“周三智慧”节目中,我们与之对话 Kevin Begola of Bridge Street Exchange. 凯文分享了他对活在当下的看法.

David Burke | Alliance Counseling

在本期的“星期三智慧”节目中,我们采访了联盟咨询小组的首席顾问大卫·伯克. David分享了他对努力工作和使用数据来支持生产力和战略的看法.

Andrew Gauthier | Groovy Donuts

在本期的《玛雅吧官网》中,我们将与Andrew Gauthier Groovy Donuts in East Lansing and Williamston. 安德鲁分享了他对了解你不知道的事情的看法, 不怕问问题,乐于接受批评.


在本周的周三智慧节目中,我们将听到杰西卡·斯塔克斯来自 Transworld Business Advisors. 杰西卡分享了在推销你的企业的过程中与一流的商业顾问团队在一起的重要性.

Sue Justice | Emery HR

在本周的周三节目中,Wisdom Sue Justice,创始人和总裁 Emery HR,分享了如何创造一个优秀的员工体验来留住员工.

Art Betancourt | AEBetancourt

今天的周三智慧节目,有请阿特·贝当古 AEBetancourt Talent Development Insourcing 谈论影响他们成长和成功的三件事.

Mike Bird | Michigrain Distillery

在本周的#周三智慧节目中,迈克·伯德是 Michigrain Distillery谈到了“团队”相对于业务增长的重要性.

Rhett Rowe | Great Lakes Business Credit

Rhett Rowe, CEO of Great Lakes Business Credit她分享了“多听少说”和“尊重他人”的智慧.


Catherine Behrenbrinker,总裁兼首席执行官 Symplicity Communications, Inc.他根据一本名为《玛雅吧官网》的书分享了#周三智慧 Creating Magic.

Justin Caine | Good Fruit Video

Good Fruit Video’s 贾斯汀·凯恩在今天的#周三智慧节目中分享了他的“委派和提升”观点. 

Marion Siebert | Brightly

Brightly 联合创始人马里昂·西伯特在今天的#周三智慧节目中分享了他们留住员工的秘诀. 


今天是周三的智慧节目,马修·安德森 Leadership Coaching for Results, talks about his new book, There’s No Such Thing as Right and Wrong 并提出了将冲突转化为合作的方法.

Sue Justice | Emery HR

在这一集的周三智慧苏正义 Emery HR, 告诉小企业主真实性的重要性, 小企业成长的好奇心和网络.

Kim Bode | 834集成通信

Kim Bode说:“如果你不定义你的文化,你的文化就会自我定义.”

Mark & Dara Mayhoe | Wiseman Tree Experts

Mark & Dara Mayhoe已经是怀斯曼树专家超过25年!

Jeff Ahola | The Ahola Corporation

CEO of the Ahola Corporation, Jeff Ahola, 描述了他几年前收到的关于利基市场营销的建议.

Kim Bode | 834集成通信

Kim Bode, 834综合通信公司的所有者, 谈论在你的组织中建立公司文化的重要性.

拉斯·诺普| Comfort Keepers -特拉弗斯城


Jon Tellier | JetCo Solutions

Jon Tellier从JetCo的办公室搬家经验中给出了一些建议,以帮助其他可能需要现在或将来搬家的企业主.

Mike Schipper | insITe Business Solutions

Mike Schipper给出了一些关于企业家的建议,以及有时候走出自己的舒适区是多么重要.

Scott Millen | 2 Fish Company

Scott Millen解释了像对待家人一样对待员工和客户的重要性.

Mike Harris | Worksighted

Mike Harris has advice for his younger self, and for business owners now, “Lean into the difficult situations.”

Tiffany Dowling | M3 Group

蒂芙尼•道林(Tiffany Dowling)鼓励企业每隔几年就审视一下自己的品牌,因为商业总是在变化.

Matt Resch | Resch Strategies

Matt Resch提醒我们,我们的人际关系在我们每天的工作中至关重要.

Cari DeLamielleure | Batter Up Bistro

Cari DeLamielleure鼓励小企业主在他们的商业旅程中要勇敢.

Lorri Rishar | Edge Partnerships

Lorri Rishar分享了为什么企业主需要寻找灵感, even if you find it in the smallest of ways.

Kellie Haines | AXIOS HR

我们采访了AXIOS人力资源总裁凯莉·海恩斯. 她给企业主或招聘经理的建议是:“让自己周围都是优秀的人.”

Daniel Cherrin | North Coast Strategies


Amy Cell | Amy Cell Talent

向Amy Cell学习在发布工作之前你应该首先考虑的两件事.

Sherif Farghal | Pyramid Consulting


Larry Faragalli | Brightly

Larry’s advice to business owners, from a creative and software standpoint, 就是问自己“你认为成功是什么,你想如何衡量它??” before moving forward.

Michael Ritsema | i3 Business Solutions

“Technology marches on.“学习如何提高组织技术的技巧.

Scott Sharp | S. Lawrence & Co.


Missy Trudell & Todd Wallis | Paper Image Printing

On the brink of closing down over 5 year ago, Missy和Todd分享了他们如何将Paper Image变成获奖作品的故事, thriving, almost debt-free business it is today.

Beth Kelly | HR Collaborative

对于所有的创业者来说,不要孤军奋战! 你和其他公司合作的越多,他们就越能帮助你解决你不太关注的问题, the more your business can grow.

Kevin Heinl | Brooks Kushman PC


Sue Tellier | JetCo Federal Supply


Dale Keipert | 3Sixty Interactive


Gwendolyn Davis-Yancey | Davis-Yancey Law & Associates, PLLC

Who is your ideal client, what problem is your business going to solve, and how is your business going to solve it? 格温用她自己的建议回答了这些问题:“鼓起勇气,把勇气和目标结合起来!”

Keith Huckaby | TGG Solutions

What do successful business owners do? 听听基思·哈克比是如何解释这个问题的两个关键解决方案的.

Jon Kolbasa | Value Engineering

根据工程领域专家Jon Kolbasa的建议,成为一个更好的企业主的3个建议.

Jennifer Jurgens | 1 Bold Step

听听老板兼首席执行官Jennifer Jurgens对其他企业主的3条建议.

Adrienne Bennett | Benkari

Adrienne讨论了管道和技术行业,以及这些行业是如何蓬勃发展的, but a shortage of skilled trades workers.

Tom Stroup | Valaset Services LLC


Nate McFadden | Elevator Service Inc


Erick Stewart | STEWART Industries

“Go with your gut.”

Chad Paalman | NuWave Technology Partners

一个小企业主应该具备哪些方面? 听听创始人、首席执行官、2018-2019年SBAM主席查德·帕尔曼对此事的看法.

Joe Marr | Sandler Training

Top 3 tips for new business owners!

Phil Mitchell | Kroon & Mitchell

3 Financial tips for your small business!

Kimberly Dokes | Dokes Design Architecture


Arthur Cole | Cole, Newton & Duran CPAs | Livonia

What do you value as a small business owner? 亚瑟分享了你作为一个小企业主应该关注的价值观.

Amy Ritsema | OnSite Wellness


Kathie Fuce-Hobohm | SPACE Inc.

每个企业主都会面临挑战. 向凯西学习如何面对挑战.

Jeff Farrington | Focus CFO

Hear Jeff’s 4 Tips for small business owners.

Tom Cook | Team Facilities

Tom’s advice stems from one word: prevent.



Drew Veach | Corp. Color


Adam Zuwerink | West Michigan Law

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

Jason Verlinde | RFT Search Group

Do you have a mentor? 听听Jason Verlinde和他的导师的经历.

David Fant | Market Mapping Plus

“不管你做什么,你有多少员工,或者你的目标是什么. 在一天结束的时候,你是一个小企业主.”

Sheri Welsh | Welsh & Associates

向老板Sheri Wesh学习3个小企业主招聘高管的技巧.

Matt Dibble | Final 5

“Be patient.”

Kris Spaulding | Brewery Vivant


Karen Smoots | Green Glove Dryer/KMS Designs

Burn the Business Plan

Brian Town | Michigan Creative

“Stop complaining and run your company.”

Justin Caine | Good Fruit Video

Specialize. Work on your business. Look for untapped talent.

Patrick Dean | Dean Transportation

Why does your business exist?

Jason Dodge | BlackTruck Media + Marketing


Kevin Budelmann | Peopledesign

“People will support what they help build.”

Dave Townsend | Awecomm

IT and the connection to business results.

Jason Miller | BitLyft
